@rakibul Thank you so much . That really helps me
@EatYourPancakes Thanks so much for the gift :)
thanks a lot @PTBO_boy
thanks @EthanB for the gift . Sure it will help . Thanks buddy
thanks @SweetFizz
Thanks for contributing ..
Reference Code : M3SN4
@Oli 64JKA @Mark123_2024 @Mevelyn @kaitokun Apologizes for the late reply. I haven't received any emails on your reply to the post. Just logged into account and seeing your messages. Thanks so much for the help and support by the Fizz Community. Here is my reference code : M3SN4 Thanks a bunch to this Forum. Please send me…
Thank you so much @Chiledienne . Awesome. Really helped me to download some course content ..
Thanks @paradis_WZQGA for your gifting. Pls share some more data and I can offer the same once my monthly plan has renewed
@Whizz @fizzmains
I contacted them and they dont have any proper solution to update my address or they say to create a new plan.. I said I am not getting any new numbers with calgary address.. No solution yet by them . Can someone help me resolve this ?
Yes, pls someone look into my account - I can furnish my account details here , if you like to
Thank you ..
Thanks . But now I am trying to get a new phone fizz number in my area calgary. There are no new numbers available in the area - popping up in my screen. I have no idea.. I want to join Fizz.