dbergeron ✭✭


  • My cycle restarted on the 19th, that's when the problem started. My plan has unlimited voice and sms. The bill has passed. I restarted my phone, changed the cellular network manually, took the sim card out, went to airplane mode. Nothing works. Can't even call into my voicemail and people say my phone is disconnected. This…
  • I agree, but I also did disconnect and reconnect the coax. My main concern is about the fact that even if the coax cable would not work or that the internet is not working, shouldn’t it still show up as a router and work as an internal network?
  • I'll try to contact them directly. I don't see why my coax cable in my house would all of the sudden not work without moving or whatever. Maybe its outside. One end is locked with a ring so I cannot change the cable to try another one...!
  • I will add, that I also connected my computer directly into the router. Unable to connect to the modem and router via the IP