sent you some.
sent you some.
Sent you some.
I sent you some.
I tried but got a message saying that you can’t receive data because you don’t have a data plan.
I’ll send you some data.
I’ll send you some data.
can’t send gift data to you because you don’t have a data plan.
Thank you very much! It really helps!
Thank you very much!
Thank you so much!
Thanks to everyone who has sent me data! I really appreciate your kindness and help!
Thanks Mark! Appreciate your help!
Thank you very much! I appreciate your help!
Thanks a lot! Really appreciate your help!
Thank you so much! Appreciate your help!
Thank you very much! Appreciate your help!
EWMO4 Thanks a lot!
> @Mark123_2024 said: > I will send you some. Have fun!!! Thank you so much!
Please give me some if you still have spare data. EWMO4
Please send me some. Thanks a lot! EWMO4
On iPhone, click Benefizz, then click My Crew, you will see it there. On laptop, it can be found at lower left of the page.
> @Chiledienne said: > Sent you 2G! Thanks a lot! :)
Any has extra data? Please send me some. I really appreciate your help! My code is: EWMO4
> @Step_WYQMY said: > Sent you some fizzer Thank you so much!