TheQuebecGuy ✭✭


  • > @Hellowrld said: > Pleasee I’m a student and I need more data > 3V6RP You're studying in which field? Cool!
  • Hi, @TheQuebecGuy again, Data has been shared. More data to come next Septembre. By the way, I've almost given all my August Data, so if you'd wish to patreon the giver, here's my code: QLOP1 Best Regards, Nick, aka TheQuebecGuy
  • > @Soma said: > Am I deserving? Maybe > Should you send some my way? Yes! >> ZDO1S > I share back when I can. Here's a little perk. Please give as you were given. Enjoy!
  • > @Oiso said: > I'm newer in this country! This month I used up my data to search the map and some new things, it’s exciting and interesting to be a newer here. > If you send me some data,wow, that’s so nice and warm! > Code:XV697 Here's a little perk from mine! Enjoy!
  • > @Hellowrld said: > Pleasee I’m a student and I need more data > 3V6RP Enjoy a little perk of GB, and cheers! Wish you the best success possible with your studies! In what field? Cheers!
  • > @asntrunk said: > I'm desperately short on data this month with family visiting and having to show them around so lots on research and app parking. Really appreciate your kindness. L9MUW Enjoy visiting with your family! Your earned some gigs! Enjoy!
  • > @Franky97 said: > I’m on the wood and running out data H1ZJP I Know exactly how it feels like. Been there, done that! You earn yourself a few gigs
  • > @BeakBird said: > Why not? > 5A3FM NOT!