what happened when the king ate too many beans? he left his air on the throne
why do gorillas have big nostrils? Big fingers
maybe the crème brûlée flavour might be at a factory outlet? I know they have a few of those in Ontario. That sounds so good! I remember those Popeye cigarette candies . I can’t say I liked it but looking back at it now. It makes me laugh because it’s so inappropriate for kids. Lol.😂
hi friend, 👋 Just sent some, hope it helps Have a good one
I remember those marzipan fruit shapes sold at an Italian bakery. I haven’t thought of those in forever lol.
@OlivierRobert hahaha! Yes! 🤤
classic! I like all the flavours but I have a soft spot for white chocolate lol
OMG , classic, I like the ones that are the shape of the peach as well, it makes my mouth water lol😂
mojos? Don’t remember that one
OMG I’ve never seen those, but they look incredible!!!! Thanks for posting pic!!
freshly fried dough, lol
yum! That’s new to me, but sounds fantastic!
OMG Neapolitan ice cream lol. That brings back memories as a kid. We get this giant bucket of Neapolitan lol. Him that bucket of gummy‘s got a love that soft kind of gummy. It’s cool how food can really bring you back to those memories as a kid.
Swedish berries are so good lol gummy candy is just so fun!
the little ones look like this, lol
oh, I guess they’re not discontinued, but I don’t see them that often. Yeah, they are shaped like a Coca-Cola bottle. I would pretend to drink it as I would chomp them away LOL
thanks everyone for all the informative and detailed information!
oh wow I hadn’t noticed. Thanks so much guys! Really appreciate it!
thank you all for your insightful and helpful comments!
thanks everyone!!🤗
old school mario games, love me some nintendo. I also enjoy clash of clans.
mike and ikes, and coke a cola gummies , oldie but a goodie
looks like i can't
So what are you guys think of this new thing where instead of a menu, and the waiter taking an order. There is a QR code and you scan it and use your phone to order. I don’t go out much to eat, but the last two Chinese restaurants had this.
The best is you go to Congee Queen for lunch and take the leftovers for dinner lol. And they have kept their price is quite reasonable. And I love family style. cheers everyone!