PJ46 ✭✭


  • > @Jess_i88b6 said: > You have a typo (I believe), you wrote mobile.pm instead of mobile.bm Yep, it's a typo. I did use the correct APN Settings in the device's fields (Name = mobile.bm, APN = mobile.bm) and it will only detect/connect to Rogers 2G, roaming. Will look into Bell, Rogers or Telus to use this device.
  • > @"M T. #12340" said: > Did you define your APN https://fizz.ca/en/faq/what-are-fizz-network-settings-apn > > Fizz APN settings are: > APN: mobile.bm > MMSC: http://mms.mobile.bm > MMS proxy: mmsproxy.mobile.bm > MMS port: 80 > APN type: default,mms,supl Yes. the device only has a field for "Name", "Username", "Password"…
  • > @Jess_i88b6 said: > Hi @PJ46 > If the @CandyCris information are for your device, this is not compatible with Fizz, since Fizz needs Band IV > @CandyCris said: > A quick search shows: Huawei E5577s-932: Band 3/7/28/40 (FDD 700/1800/2600MHz,TDD 2300MHz) > and Fizz requires: > A phone that only allows 3G configuration or…
  • @CandyCris, @Jess_i88b6, thanks for sharing. This is interesting; so this device may be able to be utilized with other carriers (Rogers, Telus, Bell etc.) given they may be using other bands?