Confirmé: ca fonctionne maintenant.
Ce matin, les 5 postes supplémentaires que j'avais , ne sont plus disponibles (Vous n'êtes pas abonné…)
Same for me this morning. Not "normal" but yes since it is beta still.
Although at face value your explanation does not contain false informations, it does not explain what is happening. There are other tests that show some kind of redirection of some websites when called from some DNS and a different one from another. Also, take a look at to see…
Thank for your time. The thing is with your explanation, it is not the only site thet gets the same address... Try So something else is going on that is not related to avforums
Not propagated? That would mean a problem with fizz/vl right?
Thank you very much. You are right in saying they are probably behaind load balancers.