Carlos B. #5672 ✭✭


  • Of course I restarted the phone. Phone was working perfectly until around 8am then suddenly stopped. Curiously, today was my charge day, so I guess there is some issue with the beginning of the new month cause as soon as I was charged in my credit card, the service disappeared. Anybody has the same situation?
  • My phone stopped working today, exactly when they charged me for a new month. Something happened with the start of the new month.
  • I cant use my fizz phone. it says its not connected to fizz, when trying to connect to fizz, it times out showing a webpage not available. I am in Montreal, Qc. Cant make calls or use internet since this morning. Does not sign in to Fizz at all.
  • Anybody got the service back? I have the same issue. I cant make calls or even go to the internet. When the phone tries to register at Fizz, gets back a time out and shows webpage Fizz not available. Any solutions? Thanks
  • suddenly started to work again. registered to network again. Some hiccup in the network for sure.